About me.
Partner @ Stoic VC ; an early stage venture fund helping advance human health and the physical world. To do this, we partner with 10 of the top Universities in Australia (Uniseed - Australia’s longest standing venture body). Prior to this, I spent several years at other VC’s, corporate advisory and helped grow a digital health startup. Currently building a community for those curious about the life-sciences/deep tech called DnM’s. When I’m not investing or attending to sporting injuries, I love to write - both in music and blogging. Drop me a line.
What I do for a living ; ELI5.
My sister and I bake two batches of cookies. We don’t have ingredients, so Mum helps us out with flour, eggs, choc chips etc. I’m going all out—dinosaur shapes, rainbow sprinkles. But most of my cookies either burn or fall apart and end up in the trash. Meanwhile, my sister sticks to plain, rounded cookies. They come out perfect every time. Because mine look cool, they’re a big hit - despite both varying little in taste. Mum gets a bite of all the good cookies.
Life thesis.
1. Hunt your curiosity, not your passion. Passion can wax n’ wane.
2. Sometimes you’ll get lucky. You’ll never miss that day, if you try every single day.
3. There’s always a silver-lining in adversity ; its your job to make that gold.
4. Run towards the storm.
My musings.
Medium Harikesh Pushpapathan – Medium